testing testing 1-2-3

I decided to start a blog for two reasons:

1. I have read in quite a few different publications (I’m an avid magazine reader) lately that keeping a journal can have many benefits like stress reduction and weight loss.

2. I often find myself in the mood to vent, nag or just have some sort of conversation that is not with a child.  When this urge comes about I don’t do anything about it because for some reason I lack the motivation to keep an actual journal.

ok and I guess there is a third reason.  Today is Mother’s Day and my husband is adamantly refusing to allow me to do anything around the house.  So I have sat here bored most of the day and lazed around to the maximum of my ability so I came up with this constructive little project that I can do while sitting on my ass =)

Of course right now is not one of those times where I find myself with the urge to let my inner emotions flow into words so…..

I’m going to awkwardly end this first blog entry with a big fat HAPPY MOTHERS DAY for all you moms out there.  Special shoutoutz for my mom and grandma, my mother in law and grandmother in law, and my BBFs K.T. and Ken and Jill

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