Counting my blessings

It’s Sunday and we attended church at New Beginnings Fellowship in Phenix City, AL. It was spectacular…the kids loved it, the husband loved it…we were definitely where we were supposed to be. Christians know what I’m talking about, a feeling you get when you are in the right place. I wanted to close off the day reviewing some of the most powerful blessings that I have in my life.

My family fo’ sho comes to mind first. I have this incredible husband. Sure, he plays poker online for hours on end (we are talking like 6 hour increments of time here) and pulls stunts like those mentioned in past blogs: ( However, this man gives all of himself to this family and the way of life we have chosen (he’s been to Iraq twice now for a total of 27 months). He brings me bouquets of wildflowers after spending a day hunting for food for our family in ninety-five degree heat (he wants to do it, I swear I don’t make him). AND, he does dishes almost every night and cleans the pool (he’s a hot pool guy too). He texts me just to tell me that he loves me…I love that guy.
Moving on, My kids have blessed my life in so many ways I couldn’t fit them into a blog. I thank the good Lord every day for my family’s health. We’ve had minor setbacks, such as those mentioned in past blogs ( These little studs have been troopers through it all though and they are super cute, ya gotta admit 🙂 However, if the children don’t stop arguing with each other I am going to enlist myself and volunteer for Iraq…ok, well that’s going a little far…but seriously. Skylar is eight, and Cohen is five. My children (and I love them, I swear I do) require constant attention because they are constantly arguing with each other (many times just for the sake of arguing), picking a fight with one another or causing pain to one another. Most days, I can’t wait for bedtime. Those little blessings! lol ❤

My family, however, is barely a fraction of the people I would count as blessings in my life. So many people have touched my life in ways that have helped my soul. My parents, Tim and Elaine first and foremost, my brother Trevor, Grandma and Grandpa Roberson, All of my in-laws (I got super lucky with that bunch!), Grandpa and Grandma Dills, Kelly Dills (God rest her soul), Kate-and-Ken dawgs (and their awesome families), Biz, Jillie, The Barbers, The Medfords, The Reine’s, The Keltners, alllll the old school Kent homies, the list could go on forever…and I vow to continue it, however, I am supposed to be watching Shutter Island with that awesome husband of mine and I gotta take what time I can get with him away from poker 😉

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