You are only 5!

So my little guy, Cohen, has decided he is going to surpass childhood and go straight to being a teenager. He takes after his father.
Skylar and Cohen have these friends, Ismael and Issac, that come over a few times a week. Whenever we go anywhere all four of them “call” things. For example, “I call that Mustang!” or “I call Pizza Hut!” And it’s not rare for them to get into arguments over “ownership” of items or places. I remember doing this as a kid, but my friends and I would flip through the latest toy catalog and “call” things like the strawberry shortcake dollhouse or the Barbie corvette, but I don’t remember having ownership quarrels or a full blown business.
This morning the boys were all watching a Vin Diesel movie and Ismael says “I call that corvette!” Skylar follows with “I call that house!” Isaac says “I call that motorcycle!” and here comes my teenage five year old with “I call the girl!!”……
It’s going to be like that? This chick is like 25 years old and barely dressed. Aren’t boys supposed to be a little bit older before they fall in love with grown ass women?! I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, after all when he heard that Transformers 3 was going to come out his first question was “Is Sam’s girlfriend (Megan Fox) going to be in it??!”
I already knew he was going to be a ladies man. He got his first girlfriend at 3 years old and gets lots of attention from the ladies, young and old. I just didn’t realize he was ready to start giving the attention back! I guess this is what I get for giving birth to Jimmy Stouffer’s offspring. It seems Cohen is going to follow directly in his father’s footsteps when it comes to girls….I am going to have to keep a reallllly close eye on him!

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