
This is a blog about me.  Who am I? I’m a twenty-something army wife and mother of two rambuncious boys.  I am also mom to the children we have taken in off the streets, Stryker (dalmation/husky), Benjii (catahoula), Maxx (rat terrier) and Earl (the cat).  Oh, and I’m also a full-time student holding a temporary part-time job.  Not to mention that I am a chaperone, cook, gardener, landscaper, maid, laundress and personal shopper in my spare time.  What spare time? ..exactly..

Oh, did I mention that everyone in my house has a penis except me?  I think this fact has helped my life in many ways..I always have someone to squish spiders, pick up dog poop, take the trash out, feed the dogs, open jars, etc.  However I also always have someone to track mud in the house, let the dogs escape, come home wounded, tear or stain their clothes, leave their shoes randomly scattered throughout the house or fight amongst one-another.  But you gotta take the good with the bad I always say 😉

I try my hardest to put the army on a back burner in my life, however, it never fails to land my husband, or my family, into interesting situations.  The army life vs. the civilian life are two very different realities. 

Not only have I had to adapt to this new lifestyle, the army has the power to uproot everything I have struggled to build and give it a good shake, leaving us to scramble around once again, putting our lives back together.  They have proven this power through deployments and moves that have torn my family apart only to smack us back together grown and changed from the people we were before. 

The result so far is two tough, passionate, resiliant kids.  One tough (at times too tough), resiliant, devoted, dedicated husband.  One dopey fat catahoula.  One free spirited, bull headed mutt.  One sweet, but loud rat terrier.  A poor kitten that doesn’t know what it has gotten itself into accepting us as its family.  And..last but not least…me.  A passionate, but stubborn..open-minded, but strict..laid-back, but diciplined lady.  But mostly a mom and a wife =)

1 Response to About

  1. Mom says:

    I love this and every crazy thing about your life!! Keep your chin up! Love mom

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